
Palaces, narrow alleys, canals and bridges built on an impressive water way system, present onlookers with a scenario that is the only one of its kind in the whole world.
Venice is a unique jewel, a fascinating city thanks to its artistic heritage and refined architecture. And how can we not mention St. Mark's Square and the Basilica, a masterpiece of Roman-Byzentine architecture, the Doges Palace of the Serenissima Republic, the Bridge of Sighs, the Rialto area and the Grand Canal and its beautifully decorated palaces.
A naturally romantic city, with a love-hate relationship with the sea which, on the one hand its historically renowned beauty and on the other the difficulty it causes to those who live there; when the water rises and invades the squares and alleys in the city.
Transportation in this most unusual city is by ferryboat.
The public transport company (ACTV) provides an excellent service to and from all the islands on the Venice Lagoon.


When the Roman Empire era ended, some Italian populations fleeing from the Huns and the Lombards, took refuge on the Venice Lagoon islands.
Upon achieving maritime supremacy, they erected splendid buildings that can still be admired today on the Venice Lagoon. In fact, the city governed by the Doge and the Council of Ten became (together with Genoa, Pisa and Amalfi) a powerful Maritime Republic. The city is also home to numerous works, brought back from the Far East as trophies of the various conquests.
From the end of the 15th century, when the commercial routes switched to the Americas, the Republic slowly started to lose power. On 12 May 1797 the Doge Ludovico Manin was obliged to abdicate by Napoleon. Venice was first under French domain and then under Austrian domain. But after the revolutionary uprising in 1866, it became part of the Reign of Italy. It still remains one of the most admired cities in Europe, where its refined fashions are an inspiration for architecture, literature and art in general.

St. Mark's Square

St. Mark’s Square, a highly renowned urbanistic and architectural complex and throbbing heart of the city, takes its name from the famous Basilica of St. Mark'sm built in oriental style crowned by five Byzentine domes. This vast area surrounded by prestigious historic buildings, home to the Old and New Prosecutor's Offices and the Doges Palace, with one side opening out over the lagoon.

The Bridge of Sighs

The Bridge of Sighs is just a few yards from St. Marks Square and a unique artistic masterpiece. A romantic ride in a gondola under the bridge is a must for all those visiting the city.

Rialto bridge

The Rialto Bridge is the oldest and definitely the most famous of the four main bridges in Venice, together with the Accademia Bridge, the Scalzi Bridge and the Constitution Bridge.
A picturesque and captivating area of the most ancient part of the city which has always been the centre of trading and bartering boasting a number of buzzing markets.